10 Minutes To Grow Traffic With Digital Marketing


Do you know what can make or break your business? Do you know how business leaders lead the industries? Do you know what tactics they use to remain at the number one position?
The answer is – Strategy. According to Neil Haboush, in a high-tech world, if you want to succeed and lead, make sure you evolve your digital marketing strategies. Now the question is what kind of strategies one should adopt in the digital marketing world? Let’s explore a few best strategies to grow traffic with digital marketing.



Today everyone knows the importance of the website in the corporate world. It not only helps in reaching new customers but also play a key role in building a business reputation. An excellent website provides information about company product/service, brings more traffic, and increase conversions. Different people use different strategies while building a website. What you add in your website and how you create it makes all the difference. Now the question is what you must consider while building your website?
    It should be mobile-friendly
    It should be according to the target audience
    Display all social media pages
    Add call-to-action

Social Media

social media

Social media is fascinating for some people, but using it for business is not as easy as it seems. Many experts believe in taking advantage of social media marketing, but only a few experts’ social media experts like Mari Smith and Melonie Dodaro able to succeed with social media strategies. Do you know why? Because they bring something innovative and interesting stuff online for their viewers every single time. Things you can add or post on your social media channels are:
    Client testimonial
    Offers and discounts for new and existing customers
    Update of product/service
    Happy Clients Reviews

SEO and Content

seo and content

Seo and content are perfect matches! They both have great importance in the digital world, as they go hand-in-hand. The role of SEO in the digital world is to raise you or your business higher in the ranking. It works when you use the right kind of keywords and other important marketing tactics to improve it. Neil Haboush says, if an individual doesn’t have much knowledge about SEO marketing and how it works, it is better he hire some professionals. Otherwise, he may get disappointed. On the other hand, when we talk about Content marketing and strategy, client visits your website again and again only if you offer strong and quality content. Good content can be in the form of blog, article, video content, whitepaper, infographics, etc.
Some of the SEO and content strategies you must follow:
    Your word limit should be between 700 – 2000
    Keyword should be placed in a heading, first paragraph, and in the meta description
    Content should be according to the target audience, and it should be error and plagiarism free.
    Start and end your content with questions, however, if it technical blog, then straightway write about the product.
    Make your content catchy, killer, and interesting.
Nowadays, video content considers as one of the best content strategies as it brings more opportunities to engage the audience about product/service with ease.

Final Words

These are the few best strategies to start with digital marketing, as suggested by Neil Haboush. Do you think it is enough to create a win-win situation in digital marketing? Well, the answer is – No. It needs to continue improvement and evolvement. Also, once you have structured strategies, make sure you prepare content calendar and follow it as you planned.

Location: Montreal, QC, Canada

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